Walter Aldridge

109 records for people named Walter Aldridge

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Walter Aldridge Phone Number and Address

Walter Fayne Aldridge
Age ~77
229 Triple Fork Rd
Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 293-5963
Walter Wendell Aldridge
Age ~77
3918 Aldridge Store Rd
La Grange, NC 28551
(252) 566-3261
Walter Wendell Aldridge
Age ~38
3231 Mintleaf Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269
(980) 474-8541
Walter Douglas Aldridge
Age ~81
2415 Hargette Rd
Monroe, NC 28112


Richland High School
North Richland Hills, TX
Walter Aldridge · 2005 - 2009
Robinson Junior High School
Toledo, OH
Walter Aldridge · 1990 - 1994
Robinson Junior High School
Toledo, OH
Walter Aldridge · 1989 - 1993
Wake Forest-Rolesville High School
Wake Forest, NC
Walter Aldridge · 1974 - 1977
Southwest High School
Kansas City, MO
Walter Aldridge · 1962 - 1966
Cranston High School East
Cranston, RI
Walter Aldridge · 1961 - 1965
Aggie High School
Clarksdale, MS
Walter Aldridge · 1959 - 1963
Lewisville High School
Richburg, SC
Walter Aldridge · 1959 - 1963
Lewisville High School
Richburg, SC
Walter Aldridge · 1958 - 1962
Hoboken High School
Hoboken, GA
Walter Aldridge · 1956 - 1959

Obituary Records

Walter D. Aldridge Photo
Walter D. Aldridge
Birth: November 28, 1930 Death: August 24, 2004 (aged 73) Burial Location: Wilkinson, IN
Walter Arthur Aldridge Photo
Walter Arthur Aldridge
Birth: May 20, 1919 Death: January 14, 2006 (aged 86) Burial Location: Paramus, NJ
Walter Pillow “Bo” Aldridge Photo
Walter Pillow “Bo” Aldridge
Birth: March 20, 1942 Death: March 2, 2016 (aged 73) Burial Location: Dublin, VA
Walter Douglas “W. D.” Dub Aldridge Photo
Walter Douglas “W. D.” Dub Aldridge
Birth: June 16, 1927 Death: December 2, 2018 (aged 91) Burial Location: Santa Anna, TX
Walter Franklin Aldridge Photo
Walter Franklin Aldridge
Birth: August 8, 1922 Death: October 24, 2006 (aged 84) Burial Location: Fountain, CO
Walter “Pap” Aldridge Sr. Photo
Walter “Pap” Aldridge Sr.
Birth: November 22, 1941 Death: February 23, 2021 (aged 79) Burial Location:
Walter Lee Aldridge Photo
Walter Lee Aldridge
Birth: November 25, 1913 Death: December 31, 2002 (aged 89) Burial Location: Southport, NC
Walter James Aldridge Photo
Walter James Aldridge
Birth: June 22, 1917 Death: December 18, 1995 (aged 78) Burial Location: Monroe, NC
Walter Lee Aldridge Photo
Walter Lee Aldridge
Birth: May 8, 1917 Death: October 27, 1996 (aged 79) Burial Location: Downing, MO
Walter Benny Aldridge Photo
Walter Benny Aldridge
Birth: May 8, 1956 Death: April 1, 1995 (aged 38) Burial Location: Monroe, NC

Frequently Asked Questions about Walter Aldridge

What is Walter Aldridge Facebook?

Walter Aldridge's Facebook profile is

What is Walter Aldridge Twitter?

Walter Aldridge's Twitter or X profile is

What is Walter Aldridge age?

Based on the public records, Walter Aldridge is 77 years old.

What is Walter Aldridge age?

Walter Aldridge address is 229 Triple Fork Rd, Cullowhee, NC 28723.

What is Walter Aldridge phone number?

Walter Aldridge phone number is (828) 293-5963.

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