Sarah Costner

139 records for people named Sarah Costner

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Sarah Costner - @costners Instagram Profile Photo Sarah Costner
Sarah Costner - @costnersarah Instagram Profile Photo Sarah Costner
Sarah Costner - @sarah.costner Instagram Profile Photo Sarah Costner
Sarah Costner - @sarahcost18 Instagram Profile Photo Sarah Costner


 - @sarah.cortex Tiktok Profile Photo
 - @sarahcotner19 Tiktok Profile Photo
 - @glttrprncss420 Tiktok Profile Photo
 - @sarah_cner Tiktok Profile Photo

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Sarah Costner Phone Number and Address

Sarah Ballard Costner
Age ~74
130 Tryon School Loop Rd
Bessemer City, NC 28016
(704) 435-6576


Freedom High School
Morganton, NC
Sarah Costner · 2010 - 2014
Berryville High School
Berryville, AR
Sarah Micheletto Costner · 1983 - 1987
Miami Carol City High School
Opa Locka, FL
Sarah Oladell Costner · 1964 - 1968
Claremont Central High School
Claremont, NC
Sarah Brittain Costner · 1963 - 1967
Hickory High School
Hickory, NC
Sarah Brittain Costner · 1963 - 1967

Obituary Records

Sarah M Costner Photo
Sarah M Costner
Birth: April 2, 1897 Death: October 23, 1973 (aged 76) Burial Location: Knoxville, TN
Sarah Ellen McGaha Costner Photo
Sarah Ellen McGaha Costner
Birth: September 11, 1899 Death: April 21, 1936 (aged 36) Burial Location: Cosby, TN
Sarah Emily Costner Photo
Sarah Emily Costner
Birth: Death: November 29, 1981 (aged ) Burial Location: Dyer, AR
Sarah Elizabeth Brittain Costner Photo
Sarah Elizabeth Brittain Costner
Birth: December 30, 1948 Death: April 1, 2019 (aged 70) Burial Location:
Sarah Emma Frazier Costner Photo
Sarah Emma Frazier Costner
Birth: June 27, 1848 Death: March 30, 1909 (aged 60) Burial Location: Lincolnton, NC
Sarah McGuire Costner Photo
Sarah McGuire Costner
Birth: November 30, 1933 Death: (aged ) Burial Location: Banner, MS
Sarah Angeline Oliver Costner Photo
Sarah Angeline Oliver Costner
Birth: November 20, 1856 Death: March 11, 1935 (aged 78) Burial Location: Wayne County, Missouri
Sarah Ruby Costner Photo
Sarah Ruby Costner
Birth: October 29, 1916 Death: October 29, 1916 (aged ) Burial Location: Tallassee, TN
Sarah Elizabeth Moore Costner Photo
Sarah Elizabeth Moore Costner
Birth: November 28, 1880 Death: August 1, 1965 (aged 84) Burial Location: Moravian Falls, NC
Sarah Ann Brown Costner Photo
Sarah Ann Brown Costner
Birth: March 8, 1855 Death: December 16, 1916 (aged 61) Burial Location: Vonore, TN

Found on Web

Daniel COSTNER / Sarah KISER

Hoffman Book: The book Our Kin by Miles Laban Hoffman (1915) 2 contains an extensive listing of the descendants of Adam Costner who immigrated from Germany to American prior to the …

Rock Hill South Carolina tax professional offering tax preparation …

This individual is a participant in the IRS's voluntary tax preparer program, which generally includes the passage of an annual testing requirement (1) and the completion of a significant number of …

Samantha Costner Phone Number, Email, Address & More

Check Out this page to know the phone number about Samantha Costner. Apart from, you can also get a full report of this person's phone number, age, address, and other info on CocoFinder.

Sara Costner Facebook, Instagram & Twitter on PeekYou

Looking for Sara Costner? Find 18 people named Sara Costner along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search.

Sara L Costner from 3618 Honeybrook Ave, Dayton, OH 45415, …

All contact info about Sara L Costner, 45 from Dayton, Ohio - address, e-mail, phone, public records, etc at Councilon FOR FREE


"we're just suicidal kids, telling other suicidal kids, that suicide isn't the answer"...

Sarah (Cosner) Costner (1811-1866) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

Is this your ancestor? Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Sarah (Cosner) Costner born 1811 North Carolina, USA died 1866 Hoosier, Clay, Illinois, USA including ancestors + descendants + 1 …

Sarah (Costner) Carpenter (1822 - 1908) - WikiTree

Sarah Costner, daughter of David "Stiff" Costner and Margaret "Peggy" Rudisil, was born in Lincoln County North Carolina in 1822. She married Lawson Carpenter January 25, 1838 …

Sarah A Costner (1902 - 1995) - Greenville, SC

Sarah A Costner was born on October 8, 1902. She died on August 4, 1995 at 92 years of age. We know that Sarah A Costner had been residing in Greenville, Greenville County, South Carolina …

Sarah A Costner, (803) 487-2726, 2732 Island Cove Rd, Fort Mill, …

Name: Sarah A Costner, Phone number: (803) 487-2726, State: SC, City: Fort Mill, Zip Code: 29708 and more information

Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Costner

What is Sarah Costner Facebook?

Sarah Costner's Facebook profile is

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Sarah Costner's Instagram profile is

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Sarah Costner's Twitter or X profile is

What is Sarah Costner age?

Based on the public records, Sarah Costner is 74 years old.

What is Sarah Costner age?

Sarah Costner address is 130 Tryon School Loop Rd, Bessemer City, NC 28016.

What is Sarah Costner phone number?

Sarah Costner phone number is (704) 435-6576.

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