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Lorraine uses her own life experiences and travels world-wide as a motivational speaker encouraging all ages from teens
Lorene Turner Phone Number and Address
Lorene Turner
Age ~74
3330 Huntingbay Rd
Spring Lake, NC 28390
Spring Lake, NC 28390
(910) 436-5252
Sarah Scott Middle School
Terre Haute, IN
Lorene Turner · 1997 - 2001
Terre Haute, IN
Lorene Turner · 1997 - 2001
Cocke County High School
Newport, TN
Lorene Atkins Turner · 1979 - 1983
Newport, TN
Lorene Atkins Turner · 1979 - 1983
Laurel County High School
London, KY
Lorene Charles Turner · 1969 - 1973
London, KY
Lorene Charles Turner · 1969 - 1973
Reading High School
Reading, PA
Lorene Turner · 1963 - 1967
Reading, PA
Lorene Turner · 1963 - 1967
Pemberton High School
Marshall, TX
Lorene Marsh Turner · 1963 - 1966
Marshall, TX
Lorene Marsh Turner · 1963 - 1966
Obituary Records

Lorene Cook Turner
Birth: August 24, 1909 Death: December 27, 2013 (aged 104) Burial Location: Birmingham, AL
Birth: August 24, 1909 Death: December 27, 2013 (aged 104) Burial Location: Birmingham, AL

Lorene Turner
Birth: January 9, 1920 Death: February 5, 2008 (aged 88) Burial Location: Savannah, GA
Birth: January 9, 1920 Death: February 5, 2008 (aged 88) Burial Location: Savannah, GA

Lorene Davidson Turner
Birth: February 1, 1937 Death: January 24, 2016 (aged 78) Burial Location: Elizabethtown, IL
Birth: February 1, 1937 Death: January 24, 2016 (aged 78) Burial Location: Elizabethtown, IL

Mrs Lorene Alta Hughes Turner
Birth: November 6, 1929 Death: 2016 (aged 87) Burial Location: Franklin, TN
Birth: November 6, 1929 Death: 2016 (aged 87) Burial Location: Franklin, TN

Lorene Frost Turner
Birth: March 19, 1934 Death: September 6, 2016 (aged 82) Burial Location: Shelby County, Alabama
Birth: March 19, 1934 Death: September 6, 2016 (aged 82) Burial Location: Shelby County, Alabama

Lorene Stidam Turner
Birth: January 14, 1938 Death: August 15, 2019 (aged 81) Burial Location: Woodstock, OH
Birth: January 14, 1938 Death: August 15, 2019 (aged 81) Burial Location: Woodstock, OH

Lorene C. Turner
Birth: July 15, 1949 Death: February 14, 2017 (aged 67) Burial Location: White Plains, AL
Birth: July 15, 1949 Death: February 14, 2017 (aged 67) Burial Location: White Plains, AL

Lorene Bell Turner
Birth: August 23, 1926 Death: October 29, 2013 (aged 87) Burial Location: Summerdale, AL
Birth: August 23, 1926 Death: October 29, 2013 (aged 87) Burial Location: Summerdale, AL

Lorene Agness Minnis Turner
Birth: July 10, 1921 Death: September 18, 2007 (aged 86) Burial Location: Hillsborough, NC
Birth: July 10, 1921 Death: September 18, 2007 (aged 86) Burial Location: Hillsborough, NC
Found on Web
Can female budgie raise chicks alone? - Google Search
The female does most of the work. sitting in the nest and relies on the male to feed her. I used to remove. the female about a week before the youngest chick left the nest to prevent. further breeding and the male continued to feed the chicks (by this stage. they don't need the mother for warmth).Carel Turner Obituary - Anniston, AL
Turner passed away on January, 1, 2022 at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham. Survivors include two daughters, Lorene Turner and Ann Thomason (Michael), two grandchildren, Jessalyn Wantland (Mark) and Samantha Ligon (Jason), six great-grandchildren, Mateo Wantland, Allen Wantland, Troy Wantland, Jake Wantland, Isabella Wantland and Will ...Chris Lorene Turner - Sex Offender in Albion, PA 16475 ...
View Sex Offender registry info for Chris Lorene Turner in Albion, PA 16475 - PA3613.Daisy Lorene Turner - Obituary & Service Details
Daisy Lorene Turner. of Paris, AR. April 13, 1921 - April 11, 2007. Daisy Turner, 85, of Paris, Arkansas died April 11, 2007 in Paris. She was a homemaker and life long member of the Midway Assembly of God Church. Daisy was preceded in death by parents, Vollie and Sallie (Griffith) Mullings, husband, Loyal Turner and a daughter, Reba Turner.Doris Lorene TURNER b. 22 Mar 1900 d. 25 Jul 1902 ...
Doris Lorene TURNER b. 22 Mar 1900 d. 25 Jul 1902: Garrison-Logan Family History and GenealogyInterview with Marguerite Middleton and Lorene Turner ...
Kentucky Historical Society 100 W. Broadway Frankfort, KY 40601 502.564.1792Lorene Lyon Obituary - Burlington, North ... - Tributes.com
Mrs. Lorene Turner Lyon December 26, 2017 Burlington, North CarolinaLorene M Turner (1916 - 1999) - Cropwell, AL
Lorene M Turner was born on January 29, 1916. She died on July 9, 1999 at 83 years old. We know that Lorene M Turner had been residing in Cropwell, Saint Clair County, Alabama 35054.Lorene M Turner (1919 - 1998) - Mishawaka, IN
Lorene M Turner was born on January 19, 1919. She died on October 26, 1998 at 79 years of age. We know that Lorene M Turner had been residing in Mishawaka, St …Lorene R Turner, (916) 864-6389, 143 Cedar St, Roseville ...
Name: Lorene R Turner, Phone number: (916) 864-6389, State: CA, City: Roseville, Zip Code: 95678 and more informationFrequently Asked Questions about Lorene Turner
What is Lorene Turner Facebook?
Lorene Turner's Facebook profile is facebook.com/lorene.turner.5437.
What is Lorene Turner Instagram?
Lorene Turner's Instagram profile is instagram.com/lorene.turner.165.
What is Lorene Turner TikTok?
Lorene Turner's TikTok profile is tiktok.com/@loren.turnir.
What is Lorene Turner Twitter?
Lorene Turner's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/LoreneT79074946.
What is Lorene Turner age?
Based on the public records, Lorene Turner is 74 years old.
What is Lorene Turner age?
Lorene Turner address is 3330 Huntingbay Rd, Spring Lake, NC 28390.
What is Lorene Turner phone number?
Lorene Turner phone number is (910) 436-5252.