John Nixon

163 records for people named John Nixon

Social Profiles:

John Nixon on Social Media


John Nixon - @john.nixon.98622733 Instagram Profile Photo John Nixon
John Nixon - @john.nixon Instagram Profile Photo John Nixon
John Nixon - @john.nixon253 Instagram Profile Photo John Nixon
John Nixon - @john__nixon Instagram Profile Photo John Nixon


John Nixon - @2184710155 Tiktok Profile Photo John Nixon
John nixon - @johnnixon_ Tiktok Profile Photo John nixon
John Nixon - @johnnixon0 Tiktok Profile Photo John Nixon
John Nixon - @johnnixon54 Tiktok Profile Photo John Nixon

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Contact Information
Job & Education History
Photos & Social Media
Relatives Information
Possible Criminal Records
Possible Owned Assets



John Nixon LinkedIn Profile Photo John Nixon
Web Developer - Lodgix


John Nixon Phone Number and Address

John Thomas Nixon
Age ~66
1120 Live Oak Dr
Oak Island, NC 28465
(336) 764-4007
John Tyler Nixon
Age ~34
209 Peninsula Ct
Durham, NC 27703
(336) 608-9034
John Franklin Nixon
Age ~87
151 E Dallas Rd #604
Stanley, NC 28164
(704) 931-0087
John Melvin Nixon
Age ~85
4200 Forbes Rd #114
Gastonia, NC 28054
(980) 251-1024


College Heights Christian School
Las Cruces, NM
John Nixon · 2006 - 2010
Surry Central High School
Dobson, NC
John Nixon · 2002 - 2006
San Luis High School
San Luis, AZ
John Nixon · 2000 - 2004
Shaw High School
Mobile, AL
John Nixon · 1996 - 2000
Maple Heights High School
Maple Heights, OH
John Nixon · 1993 - 1997
Spartanburg High School
Spartanburg, SC
John Nixon · 1992 - 1996
Lumberton High School
Lumberton, NC
John Nixon · 1990 - 1994
Pitman High School
Pitman, NJ
John Nixon · 1990 - 1994
Ellender Memorial High School
Houma, LA
John Nixon · 1989 - 1993
Sparta Township High School
Sparta, IL
John Nixon · 1989 - 1993

Public Employees

John P Nixon
Job Title: Phys Spec - Internal Medicine-General Non Megaflex
Department: Ambulatory Care Network
Location: Los Angeles, CA
John E Nixon
Job Title: Director Of The Budget
Department: Tech, Mgmt And Budget - Mb
Location: MI
John M Nixon
Job Title: F/T Sr. School Lunch Helper
Department: Dept Of Ed Hrly Support Staff
John N Nixon
Job Title: Substitute Sr. School Lunch Helper
Department: Dept Of Ed Hrly Support Staff

Frequently Asked Questions about John Nixon

What is John Nixon Instagram?

John Nixon's Instagram profile is

What is John Nixon TikTok?

John Nixon's TikTok profile is

What is John Nixon Twitter?

John Nixon's Twitter or X profile is

What is John Nixon LinkedIn?

John Nixon's LinkedIn profile is

What is John Nixon age?

Based on the public records, John Nixon is 66 years old.

What is John Nixon age?

John Nixon address is 1120 Live Oak Dr, Oak Island, NC 28465.

What is John Nixon phone number?

John Nixon phone number is (336) 764-4007.

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