Jenni Duncan

97 records for people named Jenni Duncan

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Jenni Duncan - @andthislifetime Instagram Profile Photo Jenni Duncan
Jenni Duncan - @jenni_deee22 Instagram Profile Photo Jenni Duncan
Jenni Duncan - @jennichrystal Instagram Profile Photo Jenni Duncan
Jenni Duncan - @jenniduncan Instagram Profile Photo Jenni Duncan

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Jennie Duncan YouTube Profile Photo Jennie Duncan
Some days you get that funny feeling that you have been here before. Living a moment that you had a dream of years earlier.
Danny Duncan  YouTube Profile Photo Danny Duncan
Hi, I'm Danny Duncan.. I post videos that make me laugh. Hope you enjoy.. Love you guys! Merchandise on my website


Jenny Duncan-Hickman Quora Profile Photo Jenny Duncan-Hickman
Lived in Nashville, TN
Jenny Duncan Quora Profile Photo Jenny Duncan
Lives in Grimes, Iowa
Jenni Duncan Quora Profile Photo Jenni Duncan
Lives in Kelowna, BC
Jenni Duncan Quora Profile Photo Jenni Duncan
Lives in Portland, ME


Sultana High School
Hesperia, CA
Jenni Duncan · 1999 - 2003
Northwestern High School
Albion, PA
Jenni Charlton Duncan · 1998 - 2002
Oakwood High School
Dayton, OH
Jenni Duncan · 1995 - 1999
Skyline High School
Longmont, CO
Jenni Duncan · 1984 - 1987

Found on Web


Jenni Duncan. Licensed Listing Coordinator. [email protected]. Jenni has been a licensed Realtor and Duncan Team member since 2014 and currently serves as the office administrator & listing coordinator. Past roles include transaction coordinator as well as buyers agent. She finds great fulfillment in helping others achieve homeownership.


Rev. Jenni Duncan, Pastor of Hispanic Outreach, is ordained in the United Methodist Church. As a deacon, she is appointed to bridge between the congregation and the needs of the world. She works with Hispanic outreach through English classes, healthy cooking classes, community activities and other mission, and also works through St. Andrew to ...

Assist2Sell Real Estate - Jenni Duncan - Realtor - Santa ...

1 visitor has checked in at Assist2Sell Real Estate - Jenni Duncan - Realtor.

At Home With: Jenni Duncan - MetroFamily Magazine

Jenni Duncan is an Edmond real estate agent and mom of two who owns downtown Edmond’s popular coffee shop Café Evoke with her husband, Jason. Jenni and her husband have two sons: Tuk just turned 6 and Grey turns 3 in September. The family of four lives in an 850-square-foot home near their Edmond coffee shop.

Covenant Agreement

Rev. Jenni Duncan— Jamie Tribo — JoAnne Mills — Linda Sherman — Julia Fields — Elliott Blocker — Hildie Terry — Ann Owen — Rick Owen— Ellen McNulty— Allen W. Bird, II— Paula C. Watson— Georgia Sells— Robert Sells— Rev. Harriett Akins-Banman— P. Jay Clark— Kathy Webb— Rev. Bob Klein— Gerald Cound— Rev. David ...

Duncan Real Estate Team

Jenny has been a licensed Realtor since 2008 serving both buyers and sellers. She truly enjoys helping people make their “dreams a reality”. Whether it’s selling their current home to relocate closer to family, downsizing, up-sizing because of a growing family or just ready for a change. Jenny likes being part of the process and feels she is doing a service to her clients.

Healing Nations Staff Page

Jenni Duncan Director of Medical Missions. Guatemala. Email. Andy Wiebe Video Producer. Email. Suzy Wiebe Team Engagement. Email. Heather Crouch Dental Missions Coordinator. Email. Shannon Wampler Team Engagement . Email. Shane Bennet Mobilization/Ministry Development. Unreached People Groups. Email.

Jenny Duncan

Jenny has been a licensed Realtor since 2008 serving both buyers and sellers. She truly enjoys helping people make their “dreams a reality”. Whether it’s selling their current home to relocate closer to family, downsizing, up-sizing because of a growing family or just ready for a change. Jenny likes being part of the process and feels she is doing a service to her clients. She enjoys ...

Jenni Duncan - Colorado Safety Association

1114 West 7th Avenue, Suite 150 | Denver, CO 80204 | 303.373.1937

Jenni Duncan - Design Engineer - Rogers Machinery Company ...

View Jenni Duncan's business profile as Design Engineer at Rogers Machinery Company, Inc.. Find Jenni's email address, mobile number, work history, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about Jenni Duncan