Jane Farley

137 records for people named Jane Farley

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Jane Farley on Social Media



Jane Farley - @farley.jane Instagram Profile Photo Jane Farley
Jane Farley - @farley_jane Instagram Profile Photo Jane Farley
Jane Farley - @farleygranny Instagram Profile Photo Jane Farley
Jane Farley - @jane.albertbendure Instagram Profile Photo Jane Farley


Jane Farley - @janefarley Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Farley
Jane Farley Oscar - @queenjane004 Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Farley Oscar
jeanne_farley - @jeanne_farley Tiktok Profile Photo jeanne_farley
Jenae.Farley - @jenae.farley Tiktok Profile Photo Jenae.Farley

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TSOLife YouTube Profile Photo TSOLife
TSOLife focuses on creating new and innovative ways to preserve legacy and pass down life stories for future generations.


Megan Jane Farley Quora Profile Photo Megan Jane Farley
Administrative Assistant at University of Southern California (2015-present)
Vickie Jane Farley Quora Profile Photo Vickie Jane Farley
Lived in Defiance, OH
Jane Farley Quora Profile Photo Jane Farley
Philipa Jane Farley Quora Profile Photo Philipa Jane Farley
Studied at University of Cape Town

Jane Farley Phone Number and Address

Jane Frances Farley
Age ~66
1805 Rosewood Dr
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 341-2328
Jane Marie Farley
Age ~67
311 2Nd St S
Wilmington, NC 28401


Holland Christian High School
Holland, MI
Jane Simond Farley · 1989 - 1993
Valhalla High School
El Cajon, CA
Jane Farley · 1988 - 1992
Sauquoit Valley Central High School
Sauquoit, NY
Jane Farley · 1981 - 1985
Ansonia High School
Ansonia, CT
Jane Wylot Farley · 1978 - 1982
Hebron High School
Hebron, IN
Jane Bennett Farley · 1977 - 1981
Calloway County High School
Murray, KY
Jane Farley · 1974 - 1978
Central High School
West Helena, AR
Jane Farley · 1974 - 1978
Lancaster High School
Lancaster, KY
Jane Farley · 1974 - 1978
Ellsworth High School
Ellsworth, ME
Jane Farley · 1973 - 1977
Ellsworth High School
Ellsworth, ME
Jane Sullivan Farley · 1973 - 1977

Obituary Records

Jane L. Farley Photo
Jane L. Farley
Birth: November 3, 1926 Death: December 17, 1975 (aged 49) Burial Location: Birmingham, AL
Jane Farley Photo
Jane Farley
Birth: April 17, 1937 Death: February 22, 1994 (aged 56) Burial Location: Bridgeport, IL
Jane Noonan Farley Photo
Jane Noonan Farley
Birth: March 30, 1921 Death: February 2, 2003 (aged 81) Burial Location: West Point, NY
Jane D. Mittendorfer Farley Photo
Jane D. Mittendorfer Farley
Birth: 1918 Death: 2008 (aged 90) Burial Location: Altoona, PA
Jane A. McLane Farley Photo
Jane A. McLane Farley
Birth: June 1, 1930 Death: December 24, 2015 (aged 85) Burial Location: Assyria Township, MI
Jane Elizabeth “Jenny” Farley Photo
Jane Elizabeth “Jenny” Farley
Birth: March 21, 1915 Death: September 9, 2004 (aged 89) Burial Location: Smithtown, NY
Mary Jane Reynolds Farley Photo
Mary Jane Reynolds Farley
Birth: June 13, 1938 Death: March 28, 1996 (aged 57) Burial Location: Oxford, MD
Jane M Stone Farley Photo
Jane M Stone Farley
Birth: October 18, 1931 Death: August 18, 2001 (aged 69) Burial Location: Genesee, PA
Jane Marie Wirick Farley Photo
Jane Marie Wirick Farley
Birth: February 3, 1918 Death: January 29, 1987 (aged 68) Burial Location:
Jane A. Murphy Farley Photo
Jane A. Murphy Farley
Birth: Death: February 12, 2022 (aged ) Burial Location: Exeter, RI

Frequently Asked Questions about Jane Farley

What is Jane Farley Facebook?

Jane Farley's Facebook profile is facebook.com/100078806665564.

What is Jane Farley Instagram?

Jane Farley's Instagram profile is instagram.com/farley.jane.

What is Jane Farley TikTok?

Jane Farley's TikTok profile is tiktok.com/@janefarley.

What is Jane Farley Twitter?

Jane Farley's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/JaneFarley20.

What is Jane Farley age?

Based on the public records, Jane Farley is 66 years old.

What is Jane Farley age?

Jane Farley address is 1805 Rosewood Dr, Greenville, NC 27858.

What is Jane Farley phone number?

Jane Farley phone number is (252) 341-2328.

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