Jane Cole

185 records for people named Jane Cole

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Jane Cole on Social Media



Jane Cole - @jane.cole61 Instagram Profile Photo Jane Cole
jane cole - @jane_cole07 Instagram Profile Photo jane cole
Jane cole - @janecole107 Instagram Profile Photo Jane cole
jane cole - @janecole2626 Instagram Profile Photo jane cole


Jane Cole - @janecole3 Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Cole
Jane Cole - @enaj43 Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Cole
Jane Cole - @janecole13 Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Cole
Jane Cole - @janecole96 Tiktok Profile Photo Jane Cole

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Jane Cole Quora Profile Photo Jane Cole
Lived in Kalamazoo, MI
Amy-Jane Cole Quora Profile Photo Amy-Jane Cole
Lives in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, UK
Jane Cole Quora Profile Photo Jane Cole
Studied at Ypsilanti High School (1975)
Danni-Jane Cole Quora Profile Photo Danni-Jane Cole
Studied at Mahurangi College

Jane Cole Phone Number and Address

Jane Fernando Cole
Age ~73
103 Sunny Meadows Blvd
Arden, NC 28704
(828) 712-1000
Jane Marie Cole
Age ~58
3408 Jayne Ln Nw #4
Wilson, NC 27896
(252) 243-1593
Jane Goings Cole
Age ~69
7515 Providence Church Rd
Vale, NC 28168
(828) 962-0572
Jane Grissom Cole
Age ~71
7510 Chesley Ln
Durham, NC 27713
(919) 247-4271


University of Mississippi
Oxford, MS
Jane Green Cole · 2001 - 2005
Appleton North High School
Appleton, WI
Jane Cole · 2000 - 2004
Hutchinson High School
Hutchinson, KS
Jane Cole · 1998 - 2002
Lake Forest High School
Lake Forest, IL
Jane Beirise Cole · 1985 - 1989
Hanover Park High School
East Hanover, NJ
Jane Scarlata Cole · 1984 - 1988
Bearden High School
Knoxville, TN
Jane Anderton Cole · 1982 - 1986
Saint Augustine Academy
Charlotte, NC
Jane Cole · 1981 - 1985
Northeast Metropolitan High School
Wakefield, MA
Jane Cole · 1979 - 1983
Pomona High School
Arvada, CO
Jane Cole · 1976 - 1980
Belen High School
Belen, NM
Jane Jackson Cole · 1976 - 1980

Obituary Records

Jane Faye Cole Photo
Jane Faye Cole
Birth: December 8, 1950 Death: December 10, 2011 (aged 61) Burial Location: Portland, TN
Jane Marcille “Marcy” Warrick Cole Photo
Jane Marcille “Marcy” Warrick Cole
Birth: September 12, 1925 Death: March 25, 2013 (aged 87) Burial Location: Toledo, OH
Jane O. Collins Cole Photo
Jane O. Collins Cole
Birth: 1937 Death: July 3, 2014 (aged 77) Burial Location: Stafford Springs, CT
Jane Martinez Cole Photo
Jane Martinez Cole
Birth: November 27, 1937 Death: September 20, 2014 (aged 76) Burial Location: Olney, TX
Jane F. “Dolly” Seibel Cole Photo
Jane F. “Dolly” Seibel Cole
Birth: January 1, 1916 Death: June 14, 2015 (aged 99) Burial Location: Brook Park, OH
Jane McClure Cole Photo
Jane McClure Cole
Birth: March 22, 1917 Death: January 31, 2012 (aged 94) Burial Location: Marshfield, MA
Jane E McCrea Cole Photo
Jane E McCrea Cole
Birth: August 14, 1920 Death: July 2, 2017 (aged 96) Burial Location: Peru, NY
Jane Lynn Eckerson Cole Photo
Jane Lynn Eckerson Cole
Birth: July 9, 1949 Death: June 29, 2018 (aged 68) Burial Location: Omaha, NE
Jane Estelle Schoep Terneus Cole Photo
Jane Estelle Schoep Terneus Cole
Birth: November 27, 1936 Death: September 17, 2020 (aged 83) Burial Location: Arvada, CO
Jane Prindle Cole Photo
Jane Prindle Cole
Birth: May 16, 1921 Death: September 19, 2017 (aged 96) Burial Location: Fort Thomas, KY

Frequently Asked Questions about Jane Cole

What is Jane Cole Facebook?

Jane Cole's Facebook profile is facebook.com/100087422972921.

What is Jane Cole Instagram?

Jane Cole's Instagram profile is instagram.com/jane.cole61.

What is Jane Cole TikTok?

Jane Cole's TikTok profile is tiktok.com/@janecole3.

What is Jane Cole Twitter?

Jane Cole's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/janecoley22.

What is Jane Cole age?

Based on the public records, Jane Cole is 73 years old.

What is Jane Cole age?

Jane Cole address is 103 Sunny Meadows Blvd, Arden, NC 28704.

What is Jane Cole phone number?

Jane Cole phone number is (828) 712-1000.

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