James Woolsey

161 records for people named James Woolsey

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James Woolsey on Social Media



James Woolsey - @francis15codemaison Instagram Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey - @jamesbeowulf Instagram Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey - @jamesdwoolsey Instagram Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey - @jameswoolsey Instagram Profile Photo James Woolsey


James Woolsey - @jameswoolsey0 Tiktok Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey - @jameswoolsey Tiktok Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey - @jameswoolsey2 Tiktok Profile Photo James Woolsey
James Woolsey630 - @jameswoolsey630 Tiktok Profile Photo James Woolsey630

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James Woolsey Phone Number and Address

James Elmore Woolsey Jr
Age ~56
5567 Collie Jones Rd
Rougemont, NC 27572
(919) 402-6899
James William Woolsey
Age ~27
9910 Season Grove Ln #206
Charlotte, NC 28216
James Woolsey
4575 Galley Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
James D. Woolsey
1222 Ververs Lane
Calhan, CO 80808


Lake Dallas High School
Lake Dallas, TX
James Woolsey · 2004 - 2008
Sulphur Bluff High School
Sulphur Bluff, TX
James Woolsey · 2004 - 2008
Greenfield-Central High School
Greenfield, IN
James Woolsey · 2001 - 2005
Santa Fe High School
Santa Fe, TX
James Woolsey · 1991 - 1995
Sevier County High School
Sevierville, TN
James Woolsey · 1991 - 1995
Fairfield High School
Fairfield, CA
James Woolsey · 1980 - 1984
Bradley-Bourbonnais High School
Bradley, IL
James Woolsey · 1979 - 1983
New Palestine High School
New Palestine, IN
James Woolsey · 1979 - 1983
Cocoa High School
Cocoa, FL
James Woolsey · 1978 - 1982
Norwich Regional Vocational High School
Norwich, CT
James Woolsey · 1976 - 1980

Public Employees

James Woolsey
Job Title: TranspMntr3
Department: Dept. of Transportation
Location: Newington, CT
James R Woolsey
Job Title: Teacher-General Ed
Department: Dept Of Ed Per Diem Teachers
James R Woolsey
Job Title: Teacher
Department: Dept Of Ed Pedagogical
James R Woolsey
Job Title: Teacher- Per Session
Department: Dept Of Ed Per Session Teacher

Found on Web

Amazon.com: R. James Woolsey: Books

Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin's Secret War on America. by R. James Woolsey and Ion Mihai Pacepa | Feb 23, 2021. 4.3 out of 5 stars. 61. Hardcover. $21.26. $21.

Ambassador R. James Woolsey - London Center

Ambassador R. James Woolsey was the Director of Central Intelligence for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1993 to 1995. He’s been appointed by Presidents to positions of leadership during the administrations of Jimmy Carter, …

CIA ex-chief James Woolsey says aliens 'paused' his pal's ...

R James Woolsey spoke to The Black Vault's YouTube channel on Friday about how an airplane was brought down "to a halt at 40,000 feet". Woolsey is on the course of promoting his new book, titled 'Operation Dragon', with it reportedly claiming, "Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK on the orders of the Kremlin."

Dr. Greer’s Response to Former CIA Director Woolsey’s ...

Donate. Dr. Greer’s Response to Former CIA Director Woolsey’s Denial of Meeting emily 2013-03-21T15:31:01+00:00. In 1993, Dr. Steven Greer met with CIA Director James Woolsey for a covert briefing on the topic of UFOs under the guise of a dinner party. In 1999, Woolsey denied that the party had been a briefing. Here is Dr. Greer’s response.

Ex-CIA Chief Gives JFK Assassination Some QAnon-Style Spin

So it was with a degree of shock that I recently learned that former CIA Director R. James Woolsey had co-authored a new book that posits a …

Ex-CIA Chief Thinks UFOs Could Exist After Friend's Plane ...

Former CIA Director James Woolsey believes UFOs could exist after a plane belonging to a friend of his was "paused at 40,000 feet," which he said he could not explain, he revealed during a recent interview. "There have been over the years...

Ex-CIA chief: Trump will usher in new age in US-Israel ...

Former CIA chief and Undersecretary of the Navy James Woolsey on Sunday blasted the Obama administration’s handling of the US-Israel relationship and its conciliatory stance vis-à …

Ex-CIA Director James Woolsey Quits Trump Transition Team

Ex-CIA Director James Woolsey Quits Trump Transition Team Woolsey had served as senior adviser to Trump on national security and intelligence. He wished the …

Former CIA chief under Clinton joins Trump campaign | CNN ...

James Woolsey is a former CIA director under Republican and Democratic administrations. He told CNN Monday that after meeting with Trump last week, he'll advise his campaign. CNN —. A former CIA ...

Former CIA director James Woolsey quits Trump transition ...

Former CIA director R. James Woolsey Jr., a veteran of four presidential administrations and one of the nation’s leading intelligence experts, resigned Thursday from President-elect Donald Trump ...

Frequently Asked Questions about James Woolsey

What is James Woolsey Facebook?

James Woolsey's Facebook profile is facebook.com/100061212685070.

What is James Woolsey Instagram?

James Woolsey's Instagram profile is instagram.com/francis15codemaison.

What is James Woolsey TikTok?

James Woolsey's TikTok profile is tiktok.com/@jameswoolsey0.

What is James Woolsey Twitter?

James Woolsey's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/JamesWoolsey1.

What is James Woolsey age?

Based on the public records, James Woolsey is 56 years old.

What is James Woolsey age?

James Woolsey address is 5567 Collie Jones Rd, Rougemont, NC 27572.

What is James Woolsey phone number?

James Woolsey phone number is (919) 402-6899.

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