James Evers

193 records for people named James Evers

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James Evers on Social Media



James Evers - @a.dude.and.some.dogs Instagram Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @evers_1988 Instagram Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @james.evers Instagram Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @james_evers_7 Instagram Profile Photo James Evers


James Evers - @j.h.evers Tiktok Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @jamesevers1 Tiktok Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @jeeav8 Tiktok Profile Photo James Evers
James Evers - @james_evers119 Tiktok Profile Photo James Evers

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James Evers LinkedIn Profile Photo James Evers
ArtCenter College of Design - Pasadena, California ...



James Evers Quora Profile Photo James Evers
Lives in Medford, MA
James Evers Quora Profile Photo James Evers
Studied at Sarah Lawrence College
James Everly Quora Profile Photo James Everly
Works at Self-Employed
James Evers Quora Profile Photo James Evers
Works at Self-Employment

James Evers Phone Number and Address

James Richard Evers Jr
Age ~63
1088 Atkins Rd
Cameron, NC 28326
(910) 975-7059


Bristol-Plymouth Vocational Technical
Taunton, MA
James Evers · 2003 - 2007
Poly Le Boise High School
Victoriaville, QC
James Evers · 1998 - 2002
Dover High School
Dover, DE
James Evers · 1997 - 2001
Limoilou High School
Quebec City, QC
James Evers · 1995 - 1999
Morton West High School
Berwyn, IL
James Evers · 1995 - 1999
Lakewood High School
Lakewood, CA
James Evers · 1993 - 1997
South Shore Vocational Technical High School
Hanover, MA
James Evers · 1990 - 1994
Adolfo Camarillo High School
Camarillo, CA
James Evers · 1988 - 1992
Myrtle Point Union High School
Myrtle Point, OR
James Evers · 1988 - 1992
Illinois State
Normal, IL
James Evers · 1984 - 1988

Public Employees

James R Evers
Department: Department Of Commerce
Location: FL

Obituary Records

James E. Evers Photo
James E. Evers
Birth: March 22, 1921 Death: December 20, 2017 (aged 96) Burial Location: Jackson, Mississippi
James Douglas Evers Photo
James Douglas Evers
Birth: January 26, 1961 Death: September 26, 2014 (aged 53) Burial Location: Villa Rica, Georgia
James Huntley Evers Photo
James Huntley Evers
Birth: September 26, 1925 Death: October 6, 2014 (aged 89) Burial Location: Shingle Springs, California
James Larry Evers Photo
James Larry Evers
Birth: March 11, 1953 Death: April 26, 2015 (aged 62) Burial Location: Midlothian, Virginia
James W. Evers Photo
James W. Evers
Birth: October 17, 1941 Death: May 25, 1997 (aged ) Burial Location:
James V. Evers Photo
James V. Evers
Birth: December 10, 1918 Death: March 13, 2012 (aged 93) Burial Location: Cushing, Oklahoma
James T. Evers Photo
James T. Evers
Birth: July 29, 1912 Death: July 15, 1996 (aged 83) Burial Location: Neptune, New Jersey
James R. Evers Photo
James R. Evers
Birth: June 18, 1940 Death: April 18, 1999 (aged ) Burial Location:
James P. Evers Photo
James P. Evers
Birth: January 6, 1908 Death: November 26, 2007 (aged 99) Burial Location: Bradenton, Florida
James P. Evers Photo
James P. Evers
Birth: May 21, 1916 Death: June 12, 2004 (aged 88) Burial Location: Sea Girt, New Jersey

Found on Web

114 public records of James Evers - Find Phone, Email ...

People with a last name Evers live more in Illinois, Wisconsin and are mostly married, with a median household income of $339,820.; 2 of people named James Evers have criminal records.; 12.28% of James Everss have university degree, while 33.33% have only high school diploma.; 55.26% are married and 81.58% are homeowners

414 records for James Evers’s Phone Number, Email, Address ...

Statistics for all 414 James Evers results: 22% are in their 60s, while the average age is 64. Our wealth data indicates income average is $65k. Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Caucasian. 55% of these people are married, and 45% are single.


bobby james evers is a tv/film and stage actor. he can recently be seen in roles on the blacklist, law and order svu and in the feature film "the will''.

Charles Evers - Wikipedia

James Charles Evers was an American civil rights activist, businessman, disc jockey, and politician. Evers was known for his role in the civil rights movement along with his younger brother Medgar Evers. After serving in World War II, Evers began his career as a disc jockey at WHOC in Philadelphia, Mississippi. In 1954, he was made the National Association for the Advancement of …

Charles Evers, brother of Medgar Evers, dies at 97 - CNN

James Charles Evers, the older brother of civil rights icon Medgar Evers, died in Mississippi Wednesday morning of natural causes, Rankin County Coroner David Ruth told CNN. He …

Darrell Evers, Son of Slain Civil Rights Activist, Dies ...

Darrell Kenyatta Evers, 47, who was 9 when his father, civil rights leader Medgar Evers, was shot to death outside his Jackson, Miss., home, died of colon cancer Feb. 18 at a hospital near his ...

Darrell, reena, and james evers

After graduation, Evers was hired by prominent black businessman T.R.M. Howard to sell insurance. Evers was the third of four TEENren born to James Evers, to California with their three TEENren, Darrell Kenyatta, Reena Denise, and James Van Dyke. Medgar Evers' two sons Darrell Evers and James Van Evers played themselves in this film..


Children of James Evers and Sarah Hester are: 4 i. Eleanor 4 Evers, born November 23, 1768. She married William Parker. 5 ii. Thomas Evers, born September 02, 1772. 6 iii. Rebecca Evers, born May 11, 1776. She married James Wilson.

Dr. James Evers, MD | Tucson, AZ | Healthgrades

Dr. James Evers, MD is a Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist in Tucson, AZ and has over 49 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson medical school in 1972.

Elizabeth Grazebrook - Historical records and family trees ...

Elizabeth married James Evers Sevindell on month day 1877, at age 53 at marriage place. James was born on March 17 1817, in Old Swinford/Amblecote, Worcs. Elizabeth passed away on month day 1879, at age 55 at death place. Documents of Elizabeth Phillips Morgan (born Grazebrook)

Frequently Asked Questions about James Evers

What is James Evers Facebook?

James Evers's Facebook profile is facebook.com/100012916724823.

What is James Evers Instagram?

James Evers's Instagram profile is instagram.com/a.dude.and.some.dogs.

What is James Evers TikTok?

James Evers's TikTok profile is tiktok.com/@j.h.evers.

What is James Evers Twitter?

James Evers's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/JamesEvers17.

What is James Evers LinkedIn?

James Evers's LinkedIn profile is linkedin.com/in/james-evers-jvephoto.

What is James Evers age?

Based on the public records, James Evers is 63 years old.

What is James Evers age?

James Evers address is 1088 Atkins Rd, Cameron, NC 28326.

What is James Evers phone number?

James Evers phone number is (910) 975-7059.

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