Elsie Bartlett

76 records for people named Elsie Bartlett

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Elsie Bartlett - @donox82145 Instagram Profile Photo Elsie Bartlett
Elsie Bartlett - @elisebarlets Instagram Profile Photo Elsie Bartlett
Elsie Bartlett - @elsiebartlett Instagram Profile Photo Elsie Bartlett
Elsie Bartlett - @elsiebartlett80 Instagram Profile Photo Elsie Bartlett

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Elsie Bartlett Phone Number and Address

Elsie Jane Bartlett
Age ~78
5330 Hazel St Se
Valdese, NC 28690

Found on Web

A Harp in Hock - Wikipedia

A Harp in Hock, also known as The Samaritan, is a lost 1927 American silent melodrama film directed by Renaud Hoffman, produced by DeMille Pictures, and distributed by Pathé Exchange.The film starred Rudolph Schildkraut, Junior Coghlan, May Robson, and Bessie Love, and was based on the short story by Evelyn Campbell.

Australian Plants Society NSW - Success with growing ...

How to order the CD of the Coastal Plants. Resources. Other Groups

Barbara Corbitt - Obituary & Service Details

Elsie Bartlett. Marvell, AR Sunday, November 12, 2017 Buddy, Sharon and Cathy, I am so very sorry to hear about your Mother. It has been a very long time since I have saw any of you all. But she was always very sweet to me. I know she will be dearly missed by …

Berkshire OLLI - Some Fascinating Stories Behind Windsor ...

Click here to sign up for our free email newsletter, and don't miss out on our great programs! Click here to support lifelong learning in the Berkshires. OLLI: the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College

Bessie Bartlett - Historical records and family trees ...

Elsie Bartlett was born circa 1885, at birth place, to John Bartlett and Mary Bartlett. Elsie had 2 siblings: Clara Bartlett and one other sibling. Elsie lived in 1891, at address. Bessie G Rider 1886 Iowa Bessie G Rider in 1920 United States Federal Census.

Clara Elsie Bartlett, born 1890 - Ancestry®

Clara Elsie Bartlett (1890 - Unknown) How do we create a person’s profile? We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy.

Edith Elsie Bartlett 1898 - 1963 BillionGraves Record

Grave site information of Edith Elsie Bartlett (15 Sep 1898 - 25 Jul 1963) at Graceland Cemetery in Shelby, Polk, Nebraska, United States from BillionGraves

Eleanor Bartlet - Wikipedia

Eleanor "Ellie" Emily Bartlet Faison, M.D. is a fictional character played by Nina Siemaszko on the television serial drama The West Wing. Ellie is the middle daughter of President Josiah Bartlet and Abbey Bartlet.

Elsie Bartlett - Historical records and family trees ...

Elsie Margretta Bartlett (born Leibie) was born on month day 1889, at birth place, to Carl Albert (aka Charles) Liebig aka Leibie (born Liebig), Jacobsen and Julia Liebig / Leibie (born Parnell). Carl was born on April 6 1841, in Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway. Julia was born on April 27 1851, in Sturt, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

ELSIE BARTLETT - people search, genealogy, find deceased ...

013-50-9364: September 12, 1889: April 1, 1974: 84 years: MA: 02402 (Brockton, Plymouth County) ELSIE BARTLETT

Frequently Asked Questions about Elsie Bartlett

What is Elsie Bartlett Facebook?

Elsie Bartlett's Facebook profile is facebook.com/elsie.bartlett.1.

What is Elsie Bartlett Instagram?

Elsie Bartlett's Instagram profile is instagram.com/donox82145.

What is Elsie Bartlett Twitter?

Elsie Bartlett's Twitter or X profile is twitter.com/ElsieBartlett20.

What is Elsie Bartlett age?

Based on the public records, Elsie Bartlett is 78 years old.

What is Elsie Bartlett age?

Elsie Bartlett address is 5330 Hazel St Se, Valdese, NC 28690.

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