Belinda Holmes

128 records for people named Belinda Holmes

Social Profiles:

Belinda Holmes on Social Media



Belinda Holmes - @belinda.holmes.9484 Instagram Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @belinda.holmes Instagram Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @belinda.holmes2 Instagram Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @belinda_j_holmes Instagram Profile Photo Belinda Holmes


Belinda Holmes - @belindaholmes Tiktok Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @belindaholmes2 Tiktok Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @mrs.beautiful20 Tiktok Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Belinda Holmes - @xxbells69xx Tiktok Profile Photo Belinda Holmes

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Contact Information
Job & Education History
Photos & Social Media
Relatives Information
Possible Criminal Records
Possible Owned Assets




Belinda Holmes Quora Profile Photo Belinda Holmes
Studied at Upper Yarra Secondary College

Belinda Holmes Phone Number and Address

Belinda A Holmes
Age ~55
712 Kenwood Dr
Burlington, NC 27215
(336) 264-6564


Cockrell Christian School
Philadelphia, PA
Belinda Holmes · 1999 - 2003
Martin Luther King High School
Germantown, PA
Belinda Holmes · 1994 - 1998
Fayette County High School
Fayetteville, GA
Belinda Holmes · 1985 - 1989
Kennedy High School
Willingboro, NJ
Belinda Holmes · 1980 - 1983
Larned High School
Larned, KS
Belinda Holmes · 1971 - 1974

Public Employees

Belinda Holmes
Job Title: Clerical Assistant 1 Tf
Department: Fjd 1St Judicial District Pa
Location: Philadelphia, SC
Belinda Holmes
Job Title: Clerk Temporary-Fjd
Department: Fjd 1St Judicial District Pa
Location: Philadelphia, SC
Belinda Holmes
Job Title: Principal Administrative Associate - Non Supvr
Department: Nyc Housing Authority
Belinda Holmes
Job Title: Principal Administrative Associate
Department: Nyc Housing Authority

Obituary Records

Belinda Ann Holmes Photo
Belinda Ann Holmes
Birth: November 9, 1963 Death: November 9, 1963 (aged ) Burial Location: Longview, TX
Belinda Babb Holmes Photo
Belinda Babb Holmes
Birth: 1814 Death: February 17, 1874 (aged 60) Burial Location: Strafford, NH
Belinda S. Holmes Photo
Belinda S. Holmes
Birth: February 6, 1958 Death: October 30, 2016 (aged 58) Burial Location: Palmetto, FL
Belinda T. Thorn Holmes Photo
Belinda T. Thorn Holmes
Birth: November 15, 1949 Death: (aged ) Burial Location: North Judson, IN
Belinda Kay Wilson Holmes Photo
Belinda Kay Wilson Holmes
Birth: October 16, 1959 Death: July 2, 2020 (aged 60) Burial Location: Essex, IA
Belinda Bass Holmes Photo
Belinda Bass Holmes
Birth: October 1, 1795 Death: October 6, 1855 (aged 60) Burial Location: Winsted, CT
Belinda Waldorf Holmes Photo
Belinda Waldorf Holmes
Birth: May 14, 1820 Death: July 30, 1905 (aged 85) Burial Location: Massena, IA
Belinda J. Holmes Photo
Belinda J. Holmes
Birth: October 5, 1970 Death: August 21, 1996 (aged 25) Burial Location: Springville, AL
Belinda Holmes Photo
Belinda Holmes
Birth: July 27, 1910 Death: April 4, 1985 (aged 74) Burial Location: Winsted, CT
Belinda Holmes Photo
Belinda Holmes
Birth: Death: July 25, 1849 (aged ) Burial Location: Eaton, OH

Frequently Asked Questions about Belinda Holmes

What is Belinda Holmes Facebook?

Belinda Holmes's Facebook profile is

What is Belinda Holmes Instagram?

Belinda Holmes's Instagram profile is

What is Belinda Holmes TikTok?

Belinda Holmes's TikTok profile is

What is Belinda Holmes Twitter?

Belinda Holmes's Twitter or X profile is

What is Belinda Holmes age?

Based on the public records, Belinda Holmes is 55 years old.

What is Belinda Holmes age?

Belinda Holmes address is 712 Kenwood Dr, Burlington, NC 27215.

What is Belinda Holmes phone number?

Belinda Holmes phone number is (336) 264-6564.

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