Tweets Analysis
We analyzed 99 of the tweets by @#NoVoteToBJP and here's what we found.
Tweets with @mentions
62 / 90
Tweets with #hashtags
3 / 90
Tweets with links
35 / 90
Tweets with media
7 / 90
29 / 90
44 / 90
Most linked domains
Twitter clients usage
Note Timezone shown is UTC+0. If the tweets are spread evenly across the full 24 hour span, chances are that it's been set up to tweet automatically.
nahi karte question dont bhai word humanity support lenge kill girgit bjp farmers reason toh bhi mil mar jahil chameleon people correct muslim called jaye muslims gawar kya sawab kahi hindu stupid allah childhood hai dono baat religion fear hum killing kar guys hindus guy worst tum aur chanda jaise point
#____ (used 1 times) #covid (used 1 times) #__ (used 1 times)