Tweets Analysis
We analyzed 99 of the tweets by @四號 and here's what we found.
Tweets with @mentions
47 / 100
Tweets with #hashtags
8 / 100
Tweets with links
10 / 100
Tweets with media
11 / 100
35 / 100
12 / 100
Most linked domains
Twitter clients usage
Note Timezone shown is UTC+0. If the tweets are spread evenly across the full 24 hour span, chances are that it's been set up to tweet automatically.
ocwhttpstcorbppqmrlez 4rt7rt12rt13rt19rtss#rt qol httpstcovhqybe2t33 30# rtocw 114 jr1892024# ing rthttpstc 5httpst https 7090 25#2_5 241013 httpstcogowli0eknf vinci nhk ocwyoutubehttpstcom27uq4ft6p92510
#jr (used 1 times) #shindanmakerhttpstcoeeyiaw89av (used 1 times)